The mega city Chengdu facing not only its hottest summer ever, but also its longest. 当下的成都,不但面临着的是有史以来最炎热的夏天,并且还是最漫长的夏天。
Today though, it got a whole lot more uncomfortable. 不过在今天,人们感觉更不舒服了。
"The building where our studio is has turned off all air-conditioning. “我们工作室所在的大楼已经关掉了所有的空调。
It's 38 degrees outside, inside it's 36, and that's with all the blinds closed, and we've been told that the power could cut at any moment." 室外的气温是38摄氏度,室内则是36摄氏度,这是在所有百叶窗都关着的情况下。我们还被告知,电力随时可能中断。”
Power companies limiting electricity for commercial use, the notice came in overnight. 电力公司限制了商业用电,该通知于当日夜间送达。
"State Grid is giving us 30 percent of what we usually use. “国家电网给我们的供电量是日常的30%。
In order to meet this, we've temporarily shut down the air-conditioning. Street lightshave been turned off as well." 为了满足这一要求,我们暂时关闭了空调。路灯也被关闭了。”
Many workers were also sent home for the day. 许多上班族也被要求回家办公。
The impact has been more dramatic this year. 今年夏天,高温的影响尤为显著。
For now, residential power use remains unaffected, but with the heat set to stay for another week, there's no knowing what may come next. 目前,居民用电未受影响,但高温还将持续一周,没有人知道未来的情况会是什么样的。