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拜登宣布退出总统竞选,哈里斯接棒对战特朗普,美国会迎来历史上首位女总统吗?|副总统|乔·拜登|财务会计|唐纳·川普|总统特朗普|唐纳德·特朗普|托比亚斯·哈里斯|贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马 |
用微信扫码二维码 分享至好友和朋友圈 据外媒报道,81岁的美国现任总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)宣布退出2024年总统竞选,并表示支持提名副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)为民主党总统候选人。 若是哈里斯打败共和党总统候选人、美国前总统特朗普,她将成为美国历史上首位女总统。 ![]() “It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President,” Biden wrote in a letter posted to his official account on X. “And while it has been my intention to seekreelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for theremainderof my term.” “能担任你们的总统,是我一生中最大的荣誉,”拜登在他官方账号X上发布的退选公告中写道。“虽然我有意寻求连任,但我相信,为了我的政党和国家的最佳利益,我应该退出,专注于在剩余任期内履行总统职责。” “My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as myVice President,” Biden wrote. “And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year.” 拜登写道:“作为2020年民主党提名人,我的第一个决定就是选择卡玛拉·哈里斯作为我的副总统,这是我做出的最好的决定。今天,我也要全力支持卡玛拉成为我们党今年的候选提名人。 ![]() Harris, who was informed of Biden’s decision Sunday, said in a statement that she was “honored to have the President’sendorsementand my intention is to earn and win this nomination.” She is spending the day reaching out to lawmakers, outside organizations and donors, and was slated to make up to 200 calls on Sunday alone, a top Democratic source close to her told CNN. 哈里斯在周日获悉拜登的决定后发表声明称,她“很荣幸获得总统的支持,她的目标是赢得这一提名”。一位与哈里斯关系密切的高级民主党消息人士告诉CNN,她当天一直在联系议员、外部组织和捐助者,拨打了多达200通电话。 卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris) 中文名:贺锦丽 ![]() 1964年10月20日出生于加利福尼亚州奥克兰,牙买加裔、印度裔美国人,毕业于美国霍华德大学和加利福尼亚大学哈斯汀法学院。 2016年美国大选中,哈里斯当选加利福尼亚州联邦参议员,并于2017年1月宣誓就职。2021年1月20日,拜登担任总统,组建了新一届内阁,卡玛拉·哈里斯宣誓就任副总统。 她是美国首位女性副总统,同时也是美国历史上首位拥有黑人和亚裔血统的副总统。哈里斯的当选打破了女性在美国政界天花板,她也成为美国历史上公职职位最高的女性。 1 民主党内部如何反应? Many prominentDemocrats, including former President Bill Clinton and formerSecretary of StateHillary Clinton, quickly came out in support of Harris, although some who released statements reacting to Biden’s decision did not mention the vice president, includingformer PresidentBarack Obama. 包括前总统比尔·克林顿和前国务卿希拉里·克林顿在内的许多知名民主党人迅速站出来支持哈里斯,不过也有一些回应拜登推选的人,包括前总统巴拉克·奥巴马,并没有提及副总统哈里斯。 ![]() “I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges,” Obama said in a statement that kept the focus on Biden. 奥巴马发表声明表示: “我非常有信心,我们党的领导人能够选出一位杰出的提名人。”奥巴马的声明一直把重点集中在拜登身上。 An adviser said Obama is taking the same approach as he did in the 2020 Democratic primary, watching closely with the intent of being able to help unify the party when a nominee is chosen – whether it is Harris or someone else. 一位顾问表示,奥巴马正在采取与 2020 年民主党初选时相同的做法,密切关注局势,无论最后的提名人是不是哈里斯,他都希望帮助民主党人团结起来。 2 特朗普如何回应? In a phone call with CNN after Biden’s announcement, Trump said Biden would go down “as the single worst president by far in the history of our country” and said he thought Harris would be easier to defeat than Biden. 在拜登宣布退选后,特朗普在接受CNN的电话采访时表示,拜登是“美国历史上最糟糕的总统”,并表示他认为哈里斯比拜登更容易被击败。 ![]() 这个月我们真是见证了太多历史,点击下方回顾特朗普遭遇暗杀的惊险一刻: ![]() 3 拜登为何会退选? The president’s exit from the race sets the stage for the conclusion to a political career that has spanned a half-century, one that saw Biden enter as one of the youngestsenatorsin US history and exit as its oldest president. 拜登是美国历史上最年轻的参议员之一,也是美国历史上最年长的总统之一,他的退选为他长达半个世纪的政治生涯画上了句号。 ![]() ▲乔·拜登,出生于1942年11月20日 Age and questions about the president’smental facultieshad been Biden’s biggest political liability since he first ran against Trump in 2020. 自拜登在2020年首次与特朗普竞选以来,年龄以及人们对他心智状况的质疑一直是他最大的政治弱点。 Biden’s disastrous performance at a June 27 CNN debate – during which the president spoke softly, had aglazed-overlook and, at one point, appeared to lose his train of thought mid-sentence while his opponent delivered an animated, while mainly fact-free performance – brought those concerns to the forefront of the political conversation and ultimately doomed his reelection push. 在6月27日的CNN辩论中,拜登表现糟糕——他讲话轻声细语,目光呆滞,甚至一度说到一半就失去思路,相比之下,他的对手尽管论点缺乏事实依据,但表现得生动活泼,更具吸引力——这场辩论把公众对他能力的担忧 推到了政治话题的前沿, 并最终导致了他的连任失败。 ![]() 今日词汇 Wasp reelection/ ?ri??lek??n / n.再次竞选 remainder/ r??me?nd?(r) / n.剩余部分 vice president副总统 former president前任总统 Secretary of State(美)国务卿 Democrat/ ?dem?kr?t / n.民主党人 senator/ ?sen?t?(r) / n.参议员 endorsement/ ?n?d??sm?nt / n.认同,赞同,支持 mental faculties心智能力:指人类思维和认知的能力,包括感知、记忆、推理、判断等方面的能力 glazed-over呆滞的,无表情的 免费领取口语礼包 1V1定制口语提升方案0元获取 ![]() 互动精选课+口语私教课 口语能力测评+定制学习方案 即可免费领取 ![]() 英文面试、商务接待、 职场沟通……1000+真实场景话题 1对1角色互动演练 聊天式学英语 即可免费领取 为了让大家第一时间看到优质英语学习内容 千万!千万!千万! 特别声明:以上内容(如有图片或视频亦包括在内)为自媒体平台“网易号”用户上传并发布,本平台仅提供信息存储服务。 Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services. |
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