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付款委托书英文 篇1
__________ the units:
  In case of business need, we hereby authorize __________ as our legal authorized payee and authorize it to carry out the collection work on behalf of our company.
  All ACTS of the agent represent the company and have the same legal effect as the company's actions. The company shall bear all the legal consequences and legal liabilities of the agent's actions. Hereby entrust.
  Agent name: __________ the id card number: the... bank: __________ account: __________
  Client: __________
  Date: X, X, X
付款委托书英文 篇2
XXX limited:
  Please transfer the RMB XXX (capital) to (or import) XXX from the account of the money account I have opened in your company.
  Full name:
  Open door line:
  Account no. :
  Customer (or capital allocation) signature (seal) :
  XX XX XX day
付款委托书英文 篇3
  To Whom It Maybe Concerned,
  Hereby we, Shanghai Construction Group(SCG), would like to authorize Peking Company for General Contracting(PKG) to be our agency in Kurdistan Region to develop business. We will appreciate a lot if you could provide all the necessary support.
  Valid period from Sept.1, 20xx to Dec.31, 20xx.
  Best regards.
  Sincerely yours.
  Jiang Zhiquan
  Shanghai Construction Group
  Shanghai Construction GroupWebsite:.cn 1
付款委托书英文 篇4
  ______company (entrustment unit) entrusts ______company (trustee) to collect _____ money. The entrustment is valid for the collection of the proceeds to the client's account. The relevant matters that occurred during the period are handled by the trustee.
  Client: ____________ unit name (official seal)
  ______________ ____________ ______
  Trustee: ____________ unit name (official seal)
  ______________ ____________ ______
付款委托书英文 篇5
  _____________________(name), passport/identity card
  本 人, ( 姓 名) 护 照/ 身 份 证 号 码
  _____________ , hereby authorised , holder of passport/identity card number , to submit/collect
  护 照/身 份 证 号 码 代 表 我 递 交/ 领 取
  my visa applicationon my behalf.
  我 的 签 证 申 请。 ___________________ ____________
  signature of applicant date
  申 请 人 签 名 日 期
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加:2021-08-10 21:03:04  更:2021-08-10 23:55:01 
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