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[印度]印度网民评论:印媒:中国害怕印度的五大理由[第1页] |
作者:殇情小唯 |
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Five reasons why China is so scared of India 中国害怕印度的五大理由 NEW DELHI: Though India lags far behind China in several fields, the communist country is getting wary of India’s gains in foreign direct investment (FDI), technology and manufacturing. India’s closer military ties with the U.S. is another major concern of China. China has realised that India holds great potential and if it is able to tap it effectively, India could emerge as a major threat to China 尽管印度在多个领域远落后于中国,这个gcd领导的国家正对印度在外商投资、技术和制造方面的进步感到警惕。印度与美国的密切军事关系是中国的又一个重大关切。中国已经意识到,印度拥有很大潜力,如何能够充分释放潜力,印度可以成为中国的主要威胁。 Below are a few reasons why China is scared of India: 以下是中国害怕印度的五大理由 |
一、外商直接投资 中国外汇储备正在减少,印度则积极地推动自己成为外商投资的目的地。2015年,印度首次成为最主要的外商直接投资目的地,吸引外资630亿美元,超过了中国(566亿美元)和美国(596亿美元)。这在中国敲响了警钟。 Manufacturing China is also scared of India overtaking it in manufacturing in the long term as labour costs in China are rising. Global Times, a Chinese establishment newspaper, wrote recently in an article headlined ‘China should pay more attention to India’s increasing manufacturing competitiveness’: “Although India is still in its initial stage of developing export-oriented manufacturing industries, the country has great potential to emerge as a regional hub for labour-intensive industries. One recent analysis showed China’s manufacturing hourly wage in 2016 was roughly five times that in India.” The trigger for the article was India’s exports to China increasing 42% in January this year. Though China has a big edge over India in bilateral trade, it wants to see if the rise in Indian exports is a flash in the pan or a trend. 二、制造 随着劳动力成本上升,中国害怕在制造业领域被印度超过。《环球时报》最近一篇文章写道,“中国应该对印度日益增长的制造业竞争力多加关注”。最近有分析提到,中国制造业的计时工资是印度的5倍。这篇文章的由头是今年一月印度对中国的出口大幅增加42%。 Technology When India launched 104 satellites, breaking the Russian record of 37 satellites being placed in orbit at one go, the Chinese media made light of this achievement. But a few days later, it corrected its stand and said China could learn from India in space technology. What India is doing in the space sector can be the envy of China. It is developing low-cost technology which finds takers in the west. India has already overtaken China in space technology, which is increasingly important due to its various civil and military applications. India’s low-cost and stunningly successful Mangalyaan mission last year had raised an alarm in China because China’s own Mars misison had failed in 2009 and it has yet to launch another mission. China’s worry goes beyond space sector. India’s low-cost innovation in space technology can unlock its vast technological potential in other sectors too 三、人才 美国软件公司CA Technologies遣散了在中国的300人研发团队,却在印度建立了2000人的团队。这是印度拥有更好技术人才储备的证明。 Technology When India launched 104 satellites, breaking the Russian record of 37 satellites being placed in orbit at one go, the Chinese media made light of this achievement. But a few days later, it corrected its stand and said China could learn from India in space technology. What India is doing in the space sector can be the envy of China. It is developing low-cost technology which finds takers in the west. India has already overtaken China in space technology, which is increasingly important due to its various civil and military applications. India’s low-cost and stunningly successful Mangalyaan mission last year had raised an alarm in China because China’s own Mars misison had failed in 2009 and it has yet to launch another mission. China’s worry goes beyond space .. 四、技术 当印度利用一枚火箭一次性发射104颗火箭,打破俄罗斯“一箭37星”纪录时,中国媒体轻描淡写,不过几天后,他们改变立场,表示中国在太空技术领域可以向印度学习。印度在太空领域的成就足以令中国羡慕,印度领先中国实现了火星探测。 Indo-US military ties Last year, India and the U.S. signed the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA), a militray pact that facilitates the provision of logistical support, supplies and services between the US and Indian militaries on a reimbursable basis and provides a framework to govern them. Though the Chinese media downplayed the deal, it has beocme a big bother for China. The deal means that the U.S. can now dominate not only the Indian Ocean but also has easy access to South China Sea as the U.S. warships can dock and get repaired at Indian ports. This will dent China’s attempt to ring-fence India by dominating Indian Ocean. 五、印度和美国的军事关系 去年,印度和美国签订了后勤补给协议,使双方军队可以使用对方基地进行维修和补充。尽管中国媒体贬低协议的重要性,但它已经成了中国的一个大麻烦。这意味着美国不仅可以控制印度洋,也可以轻易从印度进入南海。 |
1,厕所 2,水 3,左手 4,咖喱 5,qj 我们的确害怕。 |
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人呢?都8楼了,还没出5大理由 |
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第 一就是 吹** |
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太监 |
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