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[世界历史]1356年神圣罗马帝国《金玺诏书》[第3页] |
作者:平田元帅 |
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第一章第十四节,是对前文相关内容的补充。。规定了其他负有护卫义务而前文未提及之贵族或城市仍应负护卫义务。 (14)We declare, moreover, that the foregoing decrees promulgated concerning the matter of escort shall, indeed, be so understood that each person named above-or perhaps not expressed-from whom, in the aforesaid case, escort may happen to be demanded, shall be bound to furnish it at least through his lands and territories, and as far beyond as he can, without fraud, under the penalties contained above. 译文: (14)进而言之,前述业已颁布之关于选举期间向参会选侯提供护卫之条例,还应对其有如下理解:前述言及之每一个负有护卫义务之贵族或城市——抑或是未被提及、而同样负有护卫义务之贵族或城市,在如前所述之情况中,一旦得到派遣护卫之命令,就则应立即派遣护卫,此外,至少还须正当地护卫参会之选侯或其使节安全地通过其领地范围,并将其人护送至以己之力所及之最远处。在此情况下的护卫若触犯上述之条例,获致的惩罚亦有如上述。 |
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第一章第十五节,介绍了选举期间美因茨大主教应尽之职能。 (15) Moreover we decree, and also ordain, that he who shall be archbishop of Mainz at the time shall intimate this same election to the different princes, ecclesiastical and secular, his co-electors, by letters patent, through his envoys. In which letters, indeed, the day and the term shall be expressed within which those letters may probably reach each of those princes. And letters of this sort shall state that, within three successive months from the day expressed in the letters themselves, each and all of the prince electors ought to be settled at Frankfort on the Main, or to send their lawful envoys, at that time and to that place, with full and diverse power, and with their letters patent, signed with the great seal of each of them, to elect a king of the Romans and prospective emperor. How, moreover, and under what form such letters ought to be drawn up and what formality ought to be immutably observed with regard to them, and in what form and manner the prince electors should arrange what envoys are to be sent to such election, and the power, mandate, or right of procuration that they are to have: all this will be found clearly and expressly written at the end of the present document. And we command and decree, through the plentitude of the imperial power, that the form there established be preserved unto all time. 译文: (15)进而言之,朕等亦在此订立关于美因茨大主教之下述条例:选举即将开始前,美因茨大主教须派遣特使,携大主教之特许文书至与其地位等同之每一教会选侯或世俗选侯处,以此昭示即将进行之选举之平等性。在上述送达其余选侯之文书中,应写明选举之起始时间与期限;此外,文书中还应写明,在文书中所记日期后三个月内,每一位选侯本人都必须启程前往美因茨之法兰克福市。如本人不至,亦可派遣代表其全权之合法使节,携此带有选侯本人印章之文书在如前述之时间内抵达美因茨之法兰克福市。诸位选侯在接到美因茨大主教关于选举之文书后,应以前述两种方式之一参加选举罗马人民之国王、即未来之帝国皇帝之仪式。此外,若选侯派遣使节代表其人参加选举仪式,则在由该使节所携之选侯文书中,还应写明此封文书以何种形式拟定、使节在选举期间应遵循之固有礼仪。在文书之末尾,还应专门写明是哪些使节被派遣代表选侯参与选举仪式、以及前述使节在选举期间将要行使之权力、传达之指令及其代理权之内容。朕在此以充分皇权之名确立并颁行上述条例,且由此条例确立之形式将长期保留。 |
第一章第十六节,规定了先皇驾崩后举行选举仪式的相关事宜。 (16) Moreover we ordain and decree that when the death of the emperor or king of the Romans shall come to be known for certain in the diocese of Mainz,-within one month of that time, counting continuously from the day of the notice of such death, the death itself and the summons of which we have spoken shall be announced by the archbishop of Mainz through his letters patent. But if this same archbishop should chance to be negligent or remiss in carrying out this and in sending the summons,-thereupon those same princes of their own accord shall, even without summons, by virtue of the fealty which they owe to the holy empire, come together in the oft-mentioned city of Frankfort within three months after this, as is contained in the decree immediately preceding, being about to elect a king of the Romans and future emperor. 译文: (16)进而言之,关于皇帝逝世后选举仪式的进行事项,则依朕等律令对相关之下述条例予以认可:当罗马人民之国王、即帝国皇帝之死讯为美因茨教区所知后,在获知皇帝死讯之日其后一个月内,美因茨大主教应通过其特许文书向如前述之其他选侯通报皇帝之死讯、并召集他们前来参加选举。但美因茨大主教若因疏忽或怠慢之故,并未将关于上述记有皇帝死讯与召集选举通知之文书送至其余选侯处,则对前述选侯而言,即使他们并未收到来自美因茨大主教之文书,仍应以其忠诚于皇帝之美德与对神圣帝国之誓约,在获知明确宣布之皇帝死讯后三个月内,抵达前文经常提及之法兰克福市。其后之相关事项正如下文所述,即,参加罗马人民之国王、即未来帝国皇帝之选举仪式。 |
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第一章第十七节,主要对选侯的护卫队伍之规模作了规定。 (17) Moreover any one prince elector of his envoys should, at the time of the aforesaid election, enter the said city of Frankfort with not more than two hundred mounted followers, among which number he may be allowed to bring in with himself only fifty armed men or fewer, but not more. 译文: (17)进而言之,任一选侯或选侯之使节应在如前所述之关于选举举行之时间内,抵达如前所述之选举举行地法兰克福市,但无论选侯本人或其使节,均不得率领超过二百名之骑马侍从入城。此外,朕等允许选侯本人或其使节在其骑马侍从队伍中保有不超过五十名武装士兵,但不允许武装士兵人数超过五十之数。 |
补充介绍——关于帝国皇帝与七大选侯的纹章。。 神圣罗马帝国皇帝的两个标志,西吉斯蒙德皇帝以前是单头鹰,后来改双头,也有一并使用的情况。 单头鹰 双头鹰 |
第一章第十八节,继第一章第十五节介绍了选侯丧失参选权和投票权的两种情况。 (18) But a prince elector, called and summoned to such election, and neither coming to it nor sending lawful envoys with letters patent, sealed with his greater seal and containing empowerment, full, free and of every kind, for the election of king of the Romans and prospective emperor; or one who comes, or perchance sends envoys, to the same, but who, afterwards, himself-or the aforesaid embassy- goes away from the place of election before a king of the Romans and prospective emperor has been elected, and does not formally substitute a lawful procurator and leave him there: shall forfeit for that time the vote or right which he had in that election and which he abandoned in such a manner. 译文: (18)继第一章第十五节所述,选举期间选侯将因下述两种情形之一,丧失此次选举之投票权及参选权:情形之一是,若某一选侯得到选举通知并被召集参加此次选举之时,该选侯本人却既不亲自前往,亦不为此选举派遣授以全权、且携盖有该选侯印章之特许文书之合法使节;情形之二是,在前述情况下,该选侯虽亲自前往或派遣其合法使节参加选举,但随后选侯本人或其使节在尚未选出罗马人民之国王、即未来之帝国皇帝前,擅自离开举行选举之处,离开后亦不正式任命其代理人驻留于选举之地直至选举结束。 |
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厉害~ |
第一章第十九节,主要内容是对选举期间、在选举举办地法兰克福市之市民应尽的义务作了规定。 (19) We command, moreover, and enjoin on the citizens of Frankfort, that they, by virtue of the oath which we decree they shall swear on the gospel concerning this, shall, with faithful zeal and anxious diligence, protect and defend all the prince electors in general and each one of them in particular from the invasion of the other, if any quarrel shall arise between them; and also from the invasion of any other person. And the same with regard to all the followers whom they or any one of them shall have brought into the said city among the said number of two hundred horsemen. Otherwise they shall incur the guilt of perjury, and shall also lose all their rights, liberties, privileges, favours and grants which they are known to hold from the holy empire, and shall, by the act itself, fall under the bann of the empire as to their persons and all their goods. And, from that time on, every man on his own authority and without judicial sentence may, with impunity, invade as traitors and as disloyal persons and as rebels against the empire, those citizens whom we, in such a case, from now or from a former time on deprive of all their rights: And such invaders need in no Lay fear any punishment from the holy empire or from any one else. 译文: (19)进而言之,朕等依据前述之条例命令并要求所有法兰克福市民们,在举行选举期间,所有市民须信守其誓约、并以福音书之名义再度发誓:所有负有保护义务之市民们须以真挚之热忱、对勤勉之渴望,保护并守卫所有参会之每一选侯免受外部势力与选侯间纷争之侵犯烦扰;此外,他们还应保卫由选侯本人或其使节率领入城之二百名骑马侍从。若负有保护义务之市民们违背上述两条誓言之一或全部,则他们将因犯下立伪誓之罪而丧失其源自神圣帝国恩宠及赠予之所有权利、自由及恩典,亦将因其罪行获致帝国颁布之针对其人身及财产之禁令。并且,在上述被指控为犯立伪誓之罪者罪名正式确立后,自此时起任何其他人均可将其视为叛徒、不忠者和反抗帝国之暴徒,其他任何人均可以自决地攻击上述罪人,而对上述罪人之攻击行为将不会遭到审判或因此遭受惩罚,故对上述罪人发起攻击者不必恐惧因其行为而导致来自皇帝或其他任何人之惩罚。 |
第一章第二十节,主要内容是对第十九节中关于选举期间法兰克福市民应尽义务的补充规定。 (20) The said citizens of Frankfort, moreover, throughout all that time when the oft-mentioned election is being treated of and carried on, shall not admit, or in any way permit any one, of whatever dignity, condition or standing he may be, to enter the aforesaid city: the prince electors and their envoys and the aforesaid procurators alone being excepted; each of whom shall be admitted, as has been said, with two hundred horsemen. But if, after the entry of these same prince electors, or while they are present, any one shall chance to be found in the said city, the citizens themselves shall, effectually and without delay, straightway bring about his exit, under penalty of all that has above been promulgated against them, and also by virtue of the oath concerning this that those same citizens of Frankfort must, by the terms of this present decree, swear upon the gospel, as has been explained in the foregoing. 译文: (20)对上述之法兰克福市民,朕等仍须对其附加如下条例:在选举进行并在会议讨论协商期间,除前述之选侯本人或其使节及代理人,以及他们随行之二百名骑马侍从之外,不得以任何方式或理由准许任何人进入城市、或使任何人有进入城市之可能,而不论此人之身份、社会地位或立场如何;另,若当上述选侯进入城市时或已身处城市之中时,一旦发现尚有其他任何人偶然进入这座城市,则发现此事之市民必须立即依法将此人直接带离城市,并对其人处以如前述之惩罚。此外,这些负有护卫义务之法兰克福市民仍需奉行其坚信之美德、以福音书之名再次宣誓对其义务之履行一事,其宣誓内容如前所述。 至此,《金玺诏书》第一章结束。 |
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